Thursday, July 14, 2011

Conquering IB and a celebration

I find it unbelievable to this day to accept that fact that IB is finally over. I am an official IB graduate which makes me feel so proud. Logging onto the IB results page around 8 days ago was perhaps one of the most frightening moments I had to go through since completing my exams. All that effort accumulated from 2 years of hard work where we laboured through sweat and tears (such a drama queen but that is thanks to IB) will eventually come down to that moment. Anyhow, the first thing that popped into my mind while I stared frantically at the page was relief.

The frenzy that results evening had created was beyond unimaginable. Everyone was logging onto facebook, refreshing ever one minute with eyes fixated on the screen for any results news. This included happy status updates and switching education information to obviously the future university. Thanks to 21st century technology, good news has never spread faster than this before!

So far, summer has proved to be relaxing although at times, unproductive. Everytime I come across to someone hired to work or intern, I feel guilt. But at the same time I think to myself that this is my very last summer before I go off to university. This will probably be the last holiday where I can honestly put everything down, relax and not worry a single bit. (:


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