Thursday, April 1, 2010

When in Rome

How do you write the very first post of a blog? Are you meant to say something meaningful? Or do you just launch straight into the topic?

So...yes, I've decided to jump the bandwagon and start a blog of my own since some friends of mine already have a blog anyway (not that I'd let them read this of course! It's slightly embarrassing). When in Rome, act like the romans...right? Or am I using that incorrectly?

Anyway, I've decided to say something (vaguely) meaningful since it is, after all, the first post. I'd like to dedicate this post to my amazing friend (hereby known as Nicky) who spent countless hours on skype with me thinking of the proper title. OK, not really countless hours (15 minutes, but close enough). I've promised Nicky that if I actually manage to update this for 1 week (considering how uncommitted I am to everything, 1 week is quite a long time), well then, I'll show her what I've got :)
So, now I suppose I'll launch into the topic. Not that there even is a topic for this blog, but oh well.
I watched the Evolution of Ballet the other day with my mom! It was pretty good, very very pretty.

More info can be found HERE


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