Don't you just hate the feeling of having to rewrite everything from scratch?
Yep, I just lost my whole post which I put my heart and soul into. What's worse is that you attempt to rewrite everything from memory which just hurts because you know you can never capture the essence of what you had previously. I think I'm going a bit mental right now because what I'm typing makes not very much sense...
So school has started and please don't judge, I know its August 20th and thats considered pretty darn earlier over here where we live! I think I'm finally past mourning my summer 2010. Despite this being a not too productive summer, I've had an amazing time from travelling to watching World Cup (Espana!) to falling in love with the ultimate summer blockbuster and discovering a new summer crush...
Without a question, it was Inception who was the winner this summer. I know I know Toy Story 3 was also a big deal but when was it never? I shamefully admit that I havn't seen it yet but I know its good. Its a feel- good family summer movie. Inception on the other hand...its a roller coaster ride. It's Christopher Nolan's genius work of art. I love him for always bringing something fresh and original into this crappy Hollywood industry (sex and the city 2? no thank you). I have to confess that the first time I viewed the Inception trailer a month or so before its release, I was totally shallow. What pretty much went through my mind was 'Okay that was pretty cool but how on earth is this going to translate on screen? And when did Leo get so fat?'.
Despite my doubts about Leo's weight, I decided to watch it because it was getting rave reviews and a lot of hype. To be honest, my mind wondered a lot during the first viewing of the movie. I didn't concentrate enough and just expected to much because of all the hype. I was left feeling indifferent. The thing was, I couldn't stop thinking about the film afterwards and this thing quickly grew into an obsession (haha Cobbs said something like that!). I watched it the second time on imax and fell in love. I was totally blown away from the originality of the script to the amazing music score (thanks Hanz Zimmer!) and to top it off, the beautiful Inception cast. I don't think I've ever loved a cast so much. They were perfect. I could not have thought of any other actors that couldve given these characters justice. Even Ellen Page was likable after playing a bratty obnoxious teenager in Juno. Oh and wasn't Leo getting stuck between the walls in Mumbasa just amazing?
But it was the freaky but stunning Mal (what kind of name is that?) played by the equally gorgeous Marion Cottilard and the badass Arthur aka Joseph Gordon Levitt with his slicked back hair, suits (he was born to wear a suit) and the zero- gravity scene that I fell in love with. JGL is a francophile meaning he's obsessed or admire...France etc. and he speaks fluent French. The idea of him speaking French onset with Marion drove me crazy. Amazingness.
But it was the freaky but stunning Mal (what kind of name is that?) played by the equally gorgeous Marion Cottilard and the badass Arthur aka Joseph Gordon Levitt with his slicked back hair, suits (he was born to wear a suit) and the zero- gravity scene that I fell in love with. JGL is a francophile meaning he's obsessed or admire...France etc. and he speaks fluent French. The idea of him speaking French onset with Marion drove me crazy. Amazingness.
So enough rambling from me for now. I'm going off to bed for some sweet dreams :)
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