Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Highs and Lows of Oscars 2011

Ahh...the 83rd Academy first ever Oscar show that I actually sat through but I was really disappointed. The winners were well deserved overall in my opinion...for the main acting categories anyhow but can I say the same for the other categories? Anyway, seeing as I probably won't be watching the complete Oscar shows in the coming few years as I'm off to uni, I thought it'll be nice to give this show a little review.

The Lows

Better to get the bad things out of the way and end the post on a high note yeah?

I hate to say this but the hosts- Anne Hathaway and James Franco really disappointed. They were uninspiring, lackluster and dull. I've got to give it to Anne however for really trying. But there's a fine line between trying and really trying. It just got annoying towards the end of the show with her silly 'Woooos!' and her not very funny jokes. It was also made clear that she did not belong on stage. Hosting is defintely not her strengths...but she shouldn't be entirely blamed as she was just making up for the lack of enthusiam from James Franco. What on earth was he doing?! He looked bored, high and sleepy. We get that you've been to 'film school' but don't treat hosting as another job. At least put in a little enthusiasm as this is a once in a lifetime oppurtunity? Everyone now hates James Franco. It's official.

The pair started off well...unique opening monologue but it quickly started going downhill...shame.

Most of my disappointments were mainly in the hosts but Alan Menken losing out to Randy Newman in Best original song made me upset as well. I'll look at this argument at two perspectives though. To be fair, Newman has been nominated 20 times and only won twice (including 2011). Menken on the other hand has won 8/19 Oscars...the most anyone has everyone won for. I like to think that Oscar winners aren't decided politically but unfortunately, it is. I believe that Newman was awarded the Oscar because he has been snubbed way too many times. It is time he wins an award especially with the final chapter of the Toy Story series. The song wasn't memorable but I do think he should've won for 'You've got a friend in me' in 1996!

Oh I adore that film. I feel like I'm still high since watching that beautiful movie. I feel bad for Menken as well...the song was the highlight of the film. The floating lanterns scene was created so beautifully and captured the very essence of the film. I daresay that this is probably one of the most iconic Disney princess movie scenes. Nothing can beat the ballroom one in Beauty and the Beast duh... I felt like Tangled was snubbed for Best Animation as well. It was definitely a film that reminded of the 90's Disney Princesses but obviously with CGI.

The Highs

Mandy Moore and Zach Levi! I've never shown much interest in them until Tangled...obviously. Both of them have beautiful voices that went perfectly with Rapunzel and Flynn (!!). Mandy's performance was quite pitchy at the beginning to be honest but all was good the minute Zach stepped in. I wished this song was given more recognition...such a classic Disney Princess ballad. I dislike how songs are shortened to only 1.30...!

Inception!! I am so glad it won 4 of the awards it was nominated for...obviously all the technical categories. I wished it won Best Score though, one of Hans Zimmers finest creations! But all in all, it's nice to see this so well received film be appreciated by the Academy. Now pretty please can you nominate Christopher Nolan? That man is a genius! If you want the ratings to go back up (dropped a shocking 10% this year), you're going to have to nominate Nolan. In fact, the reason why the ratings dropped by 10% is probably because Nolan and Tangled were snubbed. Ha!

Another high would be the opening monologue. I love how the hosts bombarded each of the nominated movie scenes. It was hilarious and so darn silly at the same time. One of the very few moments that made me laugh. It was also a moment when I had the though 'This is going to be good!'. Yeah that thought quickly disappeared.

Another high? Harry Potter, TS3, TSN and Twilight autotuned songs. The best bit is that those its actually the dialogue in the movie! I couldn't believe I was watching the Oscars at first. The songs were surprisingly catchy but argghhh why Twilight?!

Witty banter between these two never gets old. Jude Law and RDJ undoubtedly have great chemistry. Probaby one of the most memorable presentations that evening...they were hilarious but not awkward (coughAnnecough). Yay for the Sherlock Holmes 2 this December!

Christian Bale has finally be recognized by the Academy. It's about time! I had a sinking feeling for one moment that CB would really lose to Geoffrey Rush. I would've cried, seriously. Thankfully, justice was on CB's side and all was good :) His speech was a bit crazy but heartwarming at the same time. I just hope he loses that moustache/beard thing going on. Not a good look.


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